4-Part Coaching Series from world-renowned trading coach Kim Ann Curtin
Kim has worked as an executive coach and trading coach, combining Wall Street business acumen with spiritual intelligence to help clients transform their lives and their trading. Kim’s been coaching for over a decade, with clients ranging from high-ranking executives and/or traders from Anchorage Capital, AP, Bank of America, Barron’s, BC Partners, Blackstone, Colgate-Palmolive, Credit Suisse, Crump, Ernst & Young, EisnerAmper, FINRA, Fortress, Genentech, GIC, King Street Capital, L’Oreal, Merck, Morgan Stanley, NBC, and Procter & Gamble … to name a few.

Session 1 – Friday June 5, 2020
11:30AM – 12:30PM
Ego/Inner Gremlins
By Kim Ann Curtin, TheWallStreetCoach.com
Struggling with your ego and inner saboteurs is one of the most common struggles aspiring traders face. In this session Kim will discuss how to wrangle these with two of our members.
Recommended Content
- Book 1: Taming Your Gremlin (Revised Edition): A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way – by Richard David Carson
- Book 2: The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self – by Alice Miller
- Movie: The Mask You Live In
Session 2 – Friday June 19, 2020
11:30AM – 12:30PM
Fear of Failure/Greed
By Kim Ann Curtin, TheWallStreetCoach.com
Does fear of failure or greed get in your way? These too are consistent stumbling blocks to aspiring traders. Kim will explain how they are two sides of the same coin and she will dive into this with two of our members.
Session 2 Content
Kim referenced a handout. Here is a link to it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldOjBlqLN14Bt1UdCajHQRBdD1DcR7_M/view?usp=sharing
Money Type Quiz recommended by Kim: http://moneyharmony.com/moneyharmony-quiz
Session 2: homework
- Write down what “success” means to you.
- Write down what “failure” means to you.
Book Recommendation:
- The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources – by Lynne Twist
- Lost and Found: One Woman’s Story of Losing Her Money and Finding Her Life – by Geneen Roth (Author)
- Obliquity: Why Our Goals Are Best Achieved Indirectly – by John Kay (Author)
This session is available to active members.
Session 3 – Thurs July 2, 2020
11:30AM – 12:30PM
FOMO/Comfort with Loss
By Kim Ann Curtin, TheWallStreetCoach.com
How often do you trade because you are afraid you're missing out? If you're driven by FOMO and don't know how to get comfortable with loss, then this session is for you. Kim will dive into these topics with two of our members.
Session 4 – Friday July 17, 2020
11:30AM – 12:30PM
Discipline/Lack of Proven Edge
By Kim Ann Curtin, TheWallStreetCoach.com
Do you practice discipline in your day to day life? If not, trading can be even more difficult. Are you afraid you lack a "Proven Edge"? In this session Kim will dive into these topics with two of our members.
About Kim
Kim Ann Curtin, AKA The Wall Street Coach, is an international executive coach, trading coach and management consultant. She combines real-world street smarts with emotional intelligence..
Born and bred in Brooklyn, New York, Kim worked in the fast-paced world of Wall Street for over a decade. Following the market crash of 2008, Kim shifted her focus to coaching executives and has now been coaching for over a decade. She is the author of the highly acclaimed book “Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future.”
Kim now resides on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Her unique journey, life experiences, and home environments have helped her develop an approach that incorporates mindfulness to deliver real-world results in trading and in business.
Along the way, Kim has coached executives and traders from Anchorage Capital, AP, Bank of America, Barron’s, BC Partners, Blackstone, Colgate-Palmolive, Credit Suisse, Crump, Ernst & Young, EisnerAmper, FINRA, Fortress, Genentech, GIC, King Street Capital, L’Oreal, Merck, Morgan Stanley, NBC and Procter & Gamble. For information, visit TheWallStreetCoach.com.

Friday, June 5, 2020
Kim Ann Curtin
Author “Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future.”