Midweek Watch with @TheGoose – 8 Names for Thursday and Friday

by | Aug 5, 2021 | Midweek Watch | 0 comments


My Level: LONG at $168 – $164
This could change in the morning. Their conf call was at 5pm this evening. Looking at the Volume Profile POC is sitting right at 168. The quarterly pivot is sitting on 164. 

My Level: SHORT at 183.88 – 185.08
On the flip side if we can get an early push into the 50d and 200d area I’ll be looking for a fade.


My Level: SHORT at $40 and $41
Why: I’m looking for a fade on this on a pop. This has a $2 – $3 range on this. When you look at their earnings, the top line they missed by a hair and they are talking about cutting their fiscal year 21. No one likes when they start cutting guidance. This is a name that is already breaking down and could remain heavy. Sometimes these are the easiest trades. Could give us the opportunity for a slow fade.


My Level: LONG at $78.50
Why: Prior support. Best spot is 74.30 on the quarterly pivot. It has $5 range. Decent. Numbers were in line. Slight bottom line miss. Guidance seemed ok. I’m looking at bounce play. They came in on a loss of $0.90 instead of $0.88. Should be a good bounce play on tomorrow’s open. 


My Level: LONG at $37.60
Why:Monthly pivot. Usually only has $1.50 range. 

My Level: SHORT at $41.60-41.80
Why:Looking for a fade into G2C (gap to close). Any push into that would be a fade. Purely technical play.


My Level: SHORT at $41.95
Why: Only $1.50 range. I like to include interesting names that aren’t on anyone else’s scan can, knock-on-wood, end up being easier trades. The numbers were unimpressive. The monthly pivot and previous close are right here.


My Level: LONG at $140.30
Why: Numbers and guidance were ok. This level is on the monthly pivot, prior support, above G2C. Looking for G2C (gap to close) type play.


My Level: LONG at $115.80
Why: 50d support.


My Levels: LONG at $110.30 and 107.50
Why: You can’t ignore that 107.50 area. 200d, monthly pivot. 110.30 is previous month pivot and previous low. When their earnings reported everything seemed in line. They even raised their fiscal 2021 earnings. 

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