Day trading means entering and exiting a security position within the same day to profit from the volatility and trends in the asset’s price. Therefore, as stock market volatility increases, the potential to quickly make money also goes up. Unfortunately, high volatility also means high risk. Inexperienced traders, not educated on the fundamentals of daily trading, quickly lose their investments.
Fortunately, beginning day traders can minimize their risk of loss by reading and studying the many excellent day trading books available on the market today. These books offer information on day trading strategies, risk management, psychology, and technical analysis’.
Here are 24 books to guide new day traders through the investing process and help them discover appropriate strategies to capitalize on the price movements in the stock market.
Top 24 Day Trading Books for Beginners
1. Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading Online by Toni Turner

A national bestseller!
Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading Online gives a detailed overview of risk management and technical analyses, along with how to set up a trading plan. The book also furnishes quizzes and checklists to help beginning day traders with the practice skills needed to help win the battle with the markets.
2. Mastering the Trade: Proven Techniques for Profiting from Intraday and Swing Trading Setups 3rd Edition by John F. Carter

A recently updated version addresses today’s turbulent markets.
In this book, Carter provides an insightful market overview with trading strategies and concepts. Specifically, he discusses valuable hardware and software, market mechanics, pivot points, and position sizing – all tools to help day traders beat the market.
3. How to Day Trade for a Living: A Beginner’s Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics, Money Management, Discipline, and Trading Psychology by Andrew Aziz, Ph.D.

With over 1500 positive reviews on Amazon, How to Day Trade for a Living presents simple and easy strategies and concepts to launch beginning day traders into the stock market.
4. A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market: Everything You Need to Start Making Money Today by Matthew R. Kratter

A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market provides an informative book that introduces the absolute beginner day trader to the stock market.
Just under 100 pages, this book covers several strategies and links to help a beginner get started with his or her investing careers.
5. Day Trading: 101 Beginner’s Guide – Mastering The Trade Strategy. Noah Bennett

In this book, Bennett offers his own experience and knowledge to help new traders avoid his mistakes and benefit from his successes.
This book provides both the novice and experienced day trader information on how the market works and the best strategies needed to become a successful investor.
6. The Simple Strategy – A Powerful Day Trading Strategy For Trading Futures, Stocks, ETFs and Forex (Paperback). Markus Heitkoetter

Heitkoetter shares his years of successful trading experience in language written for beginners.
In this book, day traders at all levels will find vital but relatively simple day trading strategies that can improve their profitability.
7. Day Trading for Beginners by Adam Edwards

Day Trading for Beginners is a guide to help new investors make a plan before trading. Topics include what to consider before you begin your trading day, types of stocks that will make money and stocks to avoid, what time of day to trade, and more.
8. Start Day Trading Now: A Quick and Easy Introduction to Making Money While Managing Your Risk by Michael Sincere

Start Day Trading Now – The perfect trading book for those that know nothing about day trading.
Sincere offers a step-by-step guide to understanding day trading – everything from trading strategies, risk management, choosing a broker, and more.
9. How to Day Trade Penny Stocks for Beginners: Find Out How You Can Trade For a Living Using Unique Trading Psychology, Expert Tools and Tactics, and Winning Strategies by Bill Syke

This book shows beginners how to understand the market and maximize profits with penny stock day trading – even with zero trading experience.
How to Day Trade Penny Stocks for Beginners offers expert tools, tactics, and strategies that can help even novice investors day trade penny stocks profitably.
10. Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week! by Phil Town

In this book, you will learn how millionaire Phil Towns turned $1,000 into $1 million in five years, and then made many millions more.
Rule #1 provides traders with an inclusive, no-nonsense, fundamental book about investing in the stock market. The number one rule is don’t lose money.
11. The 1 Hour Trade: Make Money With One Simple Strategy, One Hour Daily (Langham Trading) 1st Edition by Brian P Anderson

The 1 Hour Trade provides readers with a straightforward, on-point approach to learning how to successfully trade stocks.
Furthermore, Anderson offers simple trading methods that can help beginning day traders stay focused and achieve their investment goals.
12. Day Trading Strategies: Beginner’s Guide to Tools, Tactics, Psychology, and Setup patterns by Branden Lee

Are you cut out for day trading? Day Trading Strategies offers insights into personality traits you need in order to be a successful trader.
The book also offers advice on creating your investment strategy and managing risk.
13. Day Trading For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) 4th Edition by Ann C. Logue

Day Trading For Dummies provides new day traders with a broad initial understanding of a wide range of day trading topics.
This book will walk you through the entire process from selecting a stock and strategy to risk management.
14. Day Trading For Beginners – Become An Intelligent Day Trader. Learn Day Trading Tools and Tactics, Trading Psychology and Discipline by David Morales.

A step-by-step book that helps new investors make informed decisions about day trading.
Day Trading For Beginners presents a balanced and realistic view of day trading with tips and tactics to develop a successful investment strategy.
15. Day Trading for Beginners: How to Day Trade for A Living with the Best Strategies and Tools to Swing, Forex and Stock Market Investing for Beginners to Become an Expert Day Trader (Penny Stocks) by Alex Elder

Day Trading for Beginners shows new investors how to protect themselves from misguided trading positions.
This book illustrates the tools, trading tactics, and strategies needed to simplify day trading, eliminate guesswork, and grow investments.
This book illustrates the tools, trading tactics, and strategies needed to simplify day trading, eliminate guesswork, and grow investments.
16. High Probability Trading: Take the Steps to Become a Successful Trader by Marcel Link

The main lesson of this book instructs you to only make a trade when the odds are in your favor.
High Probability Trading teaches new and experienced traders what to look for when setting up a trade in order to maximize their chances of a positive return.
17. The Truth About Day Trading Stocks: A Cautionary Tale About Hard Challenges and What It Takes To Succeed by Josh DiPietro

The Truth About Day Trading Stocks offers the amateur day trader an honest look at the pitfalls of day trading―and, more importantly, how to avoid them.
The author emphasizes that successful day traders must learn self-discipline, consistency, and how to stay in the game for the long haul.
18. Day Trading & Swing Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market Moves by Kathy Lien

Lien, a highly regarded analyst in the foreign exchange (also known as FX or forex) market, offers advice on trading ideas and conducting accurate market analysis in Day Trading & Swing Trading the Current Market.
19. The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes by Mark Douglas

Douglas offers tips on how traders can control their emotions through discipline – which allows them to focus on the complexities of trading.
Moreover, the book provides advice on how to document your trade performance and reduce risk.
20. Digital Day Trading; Moving from One Winning Stock Position to the Next by Howard Abell

Digital Day Trading offers an easy to understand book that focuses on market philosophy and trading psychology.
Also, the book presents three successful day trader’s tips and suggestions that a beginning day trader can apply to their investment strategy.
21. The Stock Trader: How I Make a Living Trading Stocks 1st Edition by Tony Oz

Best selling author and successful stock trader, Tony Oz, shares his trade strategies of simple methodology and rules.
Specifically, this book provides Oz’s detailed strategies for entry and exit points, patterns to identify, charts to use, and several other telling indicators.
22. Range Trading: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Consistent Range Trading Profits by Michael Young

In Range Trading, Young furnishes a step-by-step guide for range trading, an alternative strategy that some feel works well in markets that are moving up and down with no specific long-term trends.
23. Day Trading Grain Futures: A practical guide to trading for a living by David Bennett

Day Trading Grain Futures is a practical book full of explicit strategies for day trading futures.
Specifically, Bennett discusses his preference for the grain futures markets and day trading. He then goes on to explain the fundamentals of trading and the knowledge needed for his approach.
24. How to Day Trade on a $500 Account: Earn as You Learn Guide for Beginner Traders. Joseph Quattrini

How to Day Trade on a $500 Account is a short, concise book that gives the basics of what you need to know to begin trading the live markets with as little as $500.
Before making your first trade, successful traders in the live market must train and prepare. How to Day Trade on a $500 Account is a useful information source for traders with minimum assets.
Study On
A successful day trader stays well-educated and informed about many aspects of the market. If you want to day trade with the pros, it’s critical to do your due diligence and read up on a variety of topics related to the day trading ecosystem. At True Trader we have worked for years educating ourselves and practicing proven trading techniques that can work for anybody. Discover the benefits of the True Trader method today.